You made me post with your asshattery. Yes I made that word up.

I’m not happy with the Zimmerman outcome.  I’ll come out and say that I just don’t understand why some asshat can get away with murdering someone else because he “suspected” that they were up to no good.  I’ll leave race out of my explanation.

The facts that I care about.  Zimmerman was following a “suspicious” person.  Zimmerman called 911 and the operator advised him not to follow, he chose to ignore that advise.  That’s my first problem.  I’ve been in situations before where suspicious people were knocking on all of my neighbors door.  They looked like they were selling something, but usually door to door salespeople avoid doing so at night.  It looks creepy.  I carry a CHL, and one of these people tried to follow me to my garage, I told them to back off.  I was loud, and firm, and they backed off.  I then called 911, from inside my house, and warned my neighbors.  These people were robbing houses in the area, and they got picked up.  Total wait time, 5 minutes.  Why did I not shoot them?  Mainly because I don’t want to kill anyone, but mostly because I didn’t know if they were armed as well, and it was dark, anything could happen that would result in a tragic accident.  It was common sense, and if I want to play hero, I’ll go volunteer at the food bank.

Second issue, people saying that “Travon was a thug and deserved it”.  He was a kid.  He may have skipped class, gotten expelled for non-violent reasons, he may have smoked pot.  I don’t care.  Hell, he could have sacrificed children to Satan, that’s not the point.  The point is he was walking home that night, with skittles.  Zimmerman is just a regular, annoying,person.  He didn’t have a report on Travon’s activities.  He’s not a detective, he’s an asshole that just needed to call 911 and back the fuck off.  It wasn’t his job to follow anyone, and it sure as hell wasn’t his job to shoot anyone.  That’s why we pay for police, and we make sure they are trained.

Seriously, bite me if you think anyone deserves to die.  The same people saying that Travon deserved to be dead are the same assholes pushing abortion restrictions on women.  You hypocrites can just go to hell.


Thunderous applause

Yeah, I know this is a line from a shitty movie, but let me explain.

This is a link to the most restrictive abortion law in the country:

It passed AFTER the deadline.  That doesn’t matter, because Texas is no longer a democracy, the GOP decided to play by fascist rules today.

That is Wendy Davis, donate to her, she started a 13 hour filibuster, but was cut off by the cheating GOP when she discussed non-germane topics.  Apparently the GOP feel that in a Filibuster of a restrictive abortion law, sonograms and Roe Vs. Wade are “not germane”.  See, if you can’t play fair, just cheat.

This set the stage for some other heroes like  John Whitmire and Kirk Watson to try and stop a vote.  At the end, the GOP rammed their agenda through, and about ten minutes from the deadline, the people in the gallery started screaming.  They cheered, they yelled, and they chanted.  THE PEOPLE DECIDED TO ACT! They bought the necessary ten minutes, and the GOP CHEATED!

So ends democracy in Texas, yes, there were cheers, but those were the cheers of men and women, fighting to stop an unjust group of people from STEALING their rights.  I’m disgusted at the GOP and their fascism   I can’t be prouder of the Texans fighting for their rights.

You won this battle GOP, but remember, this is TEXAS.  Sure, some battles are lost, but  we don’t give up on just causes. The war has just begun! Instead of destroying morale, you just increased our resolve.  Thanks GOP, you just gave us something else to “REMEMBER”.


Keep your opinion…

Read that article, and then the comments.  You should feel outrage.  Outrage for this poor little girl who was just minding her own business, and got a verbal thrashing at the hands of some half rate – Barney Fife wannabe TSA agent.  No, her attire is none of your business, if you can’t do your job and keep your misguided moral opinion to yourself, perhaps you should consider a career in politics.

My outrage goes further, read the comments yet?  I saw several instances of comparing this young child to “a prostitute” and “slut”.  Compounded with that were insults against Muslims.  Have you heard of the Taliban?  They are responsible for punishing women for not being “decent” or “moral”.  Forcing them to cover up, and be submissive to men.  Sound familiar?  If you commented in a disparaging way towards that girl you could join them.

I’m a bit sick and tired of asshats using centuries old “moral” judgments on people and then being offended when they are called out for being intolerant, racist, sexist, etc.  Don’t hide behind religion either, it’s not your religion that is making you a piece of human excrement, it’s your misguided logic.

Basically, STFU, and worry about why you suck at life.  If you spent less time being morally outraged at people for what they wear, or who they love, etc then maybe you would have more time to spend on personal growth.  You might even crack a book open and learn how to think critically someday.

Heroes and Villains

The tornado in Oklahoma that took the lives of at least 24 people was devastating. My initial reaction was the usual numb distance I feel whenever I hear of something horrible.  This was followed by my reading of various articles describing the heroism of the Teachers and first responders that went to work saving lives.

The story of a teacher that lay on top of her students to keep them safe was heartwarming, you can read about it here :,,20702199,00.html

I can’t believe dealing with the kind of devastation that occurred in Oklahoma.  I felt my faith in humanity renewed after hearing the accounts of heroes.  Then I came across this photo:

So the teacher said a prayer, good for her.  No, that can’t be left alone though, can it?  Read the comments, about how if we had more prayer in school then things like this wouldn’t happen or comments like this:

Sherry Lynn Fahner It is a shame that we as americans have to change the way we have been doing things, and this is my opinion, because of all these foriegners and their beliefs if you don’t like the way we do things here in america go back to your own damn country prayer belongs in schools, maybe if it our children were learning prayers and about religion in school they wouldn’t be learning it later in life in jails and prisons~~~I commend this teacher~~well done!!

Like · Reply · 8 · 14 minutes ago
So now the villains come out.  They come out to push their agenda as “Christians”.  I use that term loosely because any Christian that I know worth a damn would see this as a tragedy and they would never use it to talk about how the largest religious group in America is “persecuted”.  Usually I’d let it go, and just ignore the racist, hate filled nonsense coming out of the extremists.  Something hit a nerve today, maybe it was the memory of growing up, non-religious and mixed race in the middle of a white, southern suburb.  Feeling like an outcast, and wondering how I would feel if some asshat started ranting about how anything bad that happens is because someone failed to have enough “faith”, or how being a minority meant I was spreading “bad ideas”.  Maybe it was the thought of nine dead children in Oklahoma, who probably were very good kids, and even religious, but apparently not religious enough for God to save?  It’s nonsense, it’s prejudiced and it is most definitely no the belief of the many good Christians out there.
Pray if you must.  Do not let your faith mask your prejudice though.  When you demand your right to pray, remember that there are others out there that choose to believe in something different.  Are they less of a person than you because their heritage is different?
Remember those “rights” you think you are denied?  Read the first amendment again:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Take your self-inflicted butt hurt and shove it.  This is a country of many people, many religions and many diverse backgrounds.  If you don’t like it, perhaps you should be the one that leaves.

The first thing I did with my shiny new online ordination as a minister…

I wrote my Senator, informing him that I love my guns, but I demand background checks.  I got this lovely canned response in return.  I giggle every time I see “Dear Pastor Say”
Dear Pastor Say:
Thank you for contacting me regarding federal firearms laws.  I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this matter.
As a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, I believe it is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen’s constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection.  Restricting this right runs counter to the intent of our Founding Fathers, who expressly guaranteed that citizens would retain the right to keep and bear arms.
It is encouraging that the Supreme Court has upheld the will of our Founders and re-affirmed the ideals our country was established upon.  The Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller provides a greater guarantee that Americans’ Constitutional rights remain secure from federal government intrusion.  I was proud to sign an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in that case stating an individual’s right to bear arms is fundamental.  This historic ruling continues to have implications far beyond the District of Columbia.  In 2010, the Supreme Court decided in McDonald v. City of Chicago to strike down the arbitrary gun ban in Chicago—and thereby affirm that the Second Amendment safeguards against state and local encroachments on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
As a former Texas Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General, I have firsthand knowledge of crime-fighting policies that work, and I believe that citizens’ Second Amendment rights should not be restricted because of the actions of criminals.  Rather, we must focus our attention on the source of violent crime: criminals who use firearms to commit crimes.  I believe that strictly enforcing the law—and meting out tougher sentences for career criminals and those who use firearms when committing crimes—will reduce crime more effectively than gun or equipment bans, which primarily serve to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens.
I appreciate the opportunity to represent Texans in the United States Senate, and you may be certain that I will continue working with my colleagues to protect our Second Amendment rights.  Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
United States Senator
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
My original email:
Dear Senator Cornyn,
I have been an avid gun enthusiast for over 15 years. I enjoy my days at the gun range as a way of socializing with friends and colleagues. As a CHL holder and before, I never once saw an issue with submitting to a mandatory background check. To me, gun safety is everything. The last thing I would complain about is a quick check to make sure that all is in order. Your vote against the gun check bill yesterday is appalling. Unlike some of my friends, I spend the time to review the content of such items. No “database” was going to be kept, no logical sense was used in voting against this provision. The NRA has done a formidable job of inciting fear in gun owners, driving up the prices of guns and ammo, all for the benefit of their corporate members. I am outraged, I am shocked and I am disgusted at the representation of Texas. You have sold out your constituents to special interest groups.


I love the arguments of “Life begins at conception” so we can’t allow abortion. It’s a really great argument, except for the fact that it is completely false. A good friend of mine reminded me of a statement that Carl Sagan had regarding abortion:

“Despite many claims to the contrary, life does not begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain that stretches back nearly to the origin of the Earth, 4.6 billion years ago. Nor does human life begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain dating back to the origin of our species, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Every human sperm and egg is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, alive. They are not human beings, of course. However, it could be argued that neither is a fertilized egg.
In some animals, an egg develops into a healthy adult without benefit of a sperm cell. But not, so far as we know, among humans. A sperm and an unfertilized egg jointly comprise the full genetic blueprint for a human being. Under certain circumstances, after fertilization, they can develop into a baby. But most fertilized eggs are spontaneously miscarried. Development into a baby is by no means guaranteed. Neither a sperm and egg separately, nor a fertilized egg, is more than a potential baby or a potential adult. So if a sperm and egg are as human as the fertilized egg produced by their union, and if it is murder to destroy a fertilized egg–despite the fact that it’s only potentially a baby–why isn’t it murder to destroy a sperm or an egg?”

The conversation came up in response to a discussion regarding someone who has used in-vitro fertilization to conceive, but is anti-abortion. For those that are unaware, the process of in-vitro fertilization includes the death of many embryos in an attempt to allow fertilization. In essence “abortion” according to the definition of many Pro-Live advocates. The response to this being pointed out was a statement “I believe life starts when an embryo is implanted in a uterine wall”.

As Carl Sagan pointed out so eloquently, Sperm and Egg cells are alive (as are most socks). They are living, so is a fertilized egg. It makes no sense to condemn a person for having an abortion based on the assumption that life begins at “fertilization” or “implantation” or even when a heartbeat can be determined. Perhaps a more logical assertion is at viability. Either way, what do you do if a fetus is found to be so horribly malformed that there is zero chance for it to be viable? Do you force a woman to have a stillborn child? Why does your Judeo-Christian definition trump common sense (It’s practically unheard of), free will, and science? Do we accuse someone who kills a spider to be a murderer (or a hero)? Perhaps that particular spider would sire a line of spiders that would go on to evolve into sentient life (or at least become a reality TV star). Perhaps this is a decision between the parents, or a decision that a woman must make on her own. To accuse someone of committing murder for aborting a non-viable fetus is the equivalent of accusing a man of committing genocide for masturbating; or accusing a woman of committing murder every time she goes through her menstrual cycle.

What should be the punishment for these acts? Have you thought this through? How do you prosecute a woman who has been raped and decides to have an illegal abortion?











Remember, every sperm is sacred.


So Elections happened this past Tuesday.  I had a paper due, so I didn’t spend time updating this blog.  All I can say is thank (God, FSM, Yoda, whatever) Obama won.  Now don’t get me wrong, in many ways Obama is not liberal enough.  I’m just glad for my family, my friends and for everyone really that we didn’t take a giant step  backwards.  Who would have figured that issues concerning women’s rights and fairness for everyone to love whomever they want would actually make the difference.  Well okay rational people who understand that going towards a theocracy would understand.