Staying Home is about empathy.

I’m not self isolating and wearing masks because I’m afraid. I have spent years as a community organizer and activist. I work towards empowering and elevating those that are marginalized or vulnerable. I do this work because I believe every person is precious. I’m not personally afraid of COVID-19, but I take precautions because I don’t want a single person to got through the disease because I was careless. I don’t want to see healthcare workers over whelmed.

I want to shorten the impact of this disease, and the only way we can do that is by isolating and preventing further spread of this virus. Ignoring the advice of doctors and scientists will only lengthen the impact of COVID-19, costing lives and expanding the damage to people’s livelihoods. This isn’t a politically motivated statement, it’s one based on facts, supported by research.

There is rhetoric out there that pushes conspiracy theories and accused those of us listening to experts of being afraid. It’s empty partisan postering. It’s dangerous and will lead to more deaths and long term impact that can’t be swept under the rug or ignored.

These safety measures will only seem like they are overblown because they are working. That’s the point. We are trying to prevent the spread of the disease and it’s horrible impact.

Lives cannot be replaced. Stay home, save lives. If you have to be out, adhere to social distancing and wear a mask. Do it to save others, and don’t let charlatans goad you into ignorant and destructive actions.