Eugene Howard Toxic Leadership

The Brazoria County NAACP is suffering from toxic leadership. I have long said that the mark of a good leader, and organization, is transparency to the members and communities they serve.

In violation of the chapter charter, Eugene has failed to ensure that members are uploaded to the national database, he’s failed to ensure that members are notified of meetings, and he’s failed to ensure timely treasurers reports. Now in most cases an officer failing to do these things is no major issue, however members have been asking for adherence to rules for over a year, and are met with stall tactics from Mr. Howard.

He failed to setup a meeting to go over the necessary steps for elections, and even had a separate account setup for membership dues that were never forwarded to national, and he himself was never listed in the national roles this year until September.

Because of these inaccuracies the leadership team scheduled the charter mandated meetings and proceeded to ensure members were properly notified. Mr. Howard immediately became combative on that call, and all subsequent calls. Here is an example of how Mr. Howard treats membership when they criticize his actions or tone. FULL DISCLOSURE, I was involved in this meeting and absolutely called him out.

Remember our Friend Leisha D’Angelo?

This is Leisha, supporter of Kevin Cole

Well Mr. Howard has recruited her to join the NAACP because obvious bigotry and support of bigots is in line with the type of organization that Mr. Howard wishes to lead. An organization that cares nothing for integrity or honesty, as long as Mr. Howard can get some camera time and some PR.

This is the longer exchange. Mr. Howard wishes to silence people that provide valid criticism.

Bad behavior must be called out, even when it is uncomfortable.